Please watch the music video first before reading the reflection. Blessings.

Akwaboah is one of Ghana’s multitalented and insightful musicians. I chose to reflect on his music because his songs usually concern practical issues in relationships. “Wo pe w’adie aye dada” literally translated as “You already wanted an excuse to do your wish” is a song that talks about an ungrateful and overdemanding lady who left her boyfriend because he could no longer meet her excessive demands. Behind the scene, she was flirting with her boyfriend’s close friend who even joined others to plead with her to forgive her boyfriend. Her boyfriend did not really know his offence but continually begged her to forgive him. He asked her to forgive her for the things he was not able to provide at her request. Apparently, the lady always gets upset whenever her demands are not met by her boyfriend. The gentleman came to the realisation that his girlfriend had an ulterior motive and only wanted an excuse to leave him for his close friend therefore all attempts to plead with her to forgive him for any wrong done to her fell on deaf ears. She finally left the relationship for her boyfriend’s close friend.


First, it is important to understand that trying to please an ungrateful person is an exercise in futility. A person who truly loves you will appreciate every little thing you do for him or her. Some people try to move heaven and earth for their partner’s comfort and happiness in their relationship but the more they try the more worthless they feel because of the other partner’s ungrateful and discouraging attitude. For those who are not yet married, if you discover that your partner shows little or no appreciation for your effort to make him or her happy that is a red flag, beware! An ungrateful partner sucks all your energy and leaves you with nothing. Love is about sacrifice therefore if you find your partner sacrificing his or her best for you it is required of you to show appreciation and not discourage him or her with destructive criticism and unrealistic demands. It is unrewarding and dangerous to be an ungrateful partner. When an ungrateful person’s partner gets fed up, he or she will no longer care about him or her in the relationship. Some people simply move on without even saying a word to the ungrateful partner. In a turbulent and harsh economy, we must learn to appreciate the efforts of our partners no matter how little they may seem. Remember a partner who shares one cedi or one dollar with you today will do the same when he or she is blessed with a million cedis or dollars, therefore, let us be consistent in showing gratitude and learn to appreciate our spouses for their efforts, ” …in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12). Appreciation is the fuel of encouragement and encouragement produces the flames of good deeds.

Second, it is suicidal to keep an unfaithful partner no matter how much you love him or her. While you have hope that the relationship will work, an unfaithful partner sees you as a commodity to be kept for a while and at an opportune time to be disposed off for a more favourable partner. In reference to Akwaboah’s song, the gentleman had a feeling his girlfriend was not faithful to him but he tried his best to impress her and convince her to stay in the relationship. An unfaithful partner will never see your worth, remember he or she is unfaithful because he or she has found another person worth her faithfulness and love. An unfaithful partner is like a faulty car, no matter how you turn the key in the ignition, the engine will not start, and even if it starts, it will not take you to your destination. Why spend your time and resources on a vehicle which is irreparable. Life must be lived, and you must move on although usually it hurts considering the sacrifices and the love you have given to such an unfaithful person. Move on but be hopeful and still give your best to all you come across because there is someone out there waiting to mend your broken heart and restore your joy.

Last but not least, the most worthless venture in this world is cheating with a close friend’s partner. It is a worthless venture because such a relationship leads nowhere. It is a relationship prone to guilt, doubts and mistrust. It is a relationship that is built on disloyalty and unfaithfulness and therefore has little prospects. Even if it succeeds, it usually does not get the blessings of society leading to some sort of isolation by the parties involved. The message is simple, stay away from a close friend’s or your brother or sister’s partner, It is out of bounds!.”John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” (Mark 6:18) It leads to tragic consequences and irreparable damages. The story may however be different if you mistreat and leave your partner but a close friend finds him or her to be worthy and decides to settle with him or her in a relationship or marriage, you have lost your innocence and right to complain or hold a grudge against any of them. Remember you can’t eat your cake and have it. This a topic we shall discuss at another time.

In conclusion, Akwaboah’s song “Wo pe w’adie aye dada” literally translated as “You already wanted an excuse to do your wish” is an inspirational and consoling song for those who are doing their best in their relationship but are not getting the needed attention, appreciation and love from their partners. If you are already married and going through the issues discussed above, you need to carefully and prayerfully reflect and ask God for new directions in your life. It can be extremely frustrating to find yourself in such a situation. One thing I will advise is that, if it becomes unbearable to survive in your relationship to the extent that it leads to suicidal tendencies or makes you want to commit an unpardonable crime then you need professional counselling. Your pastor, an experienced married couple or a clinical psychologist are all resourceful persons who can help. The counselling will enable you to take an informed decision to either endure the situation or gracefully walk out, and seek your independence, and restoration.

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