Saul and David is the theme for our reflection. Saul was the first King of Israel but was rejected by God because of His disobedience and David was the shepherd God anointed to become King after Saul. In today’s Scripture reading Saul was still King over Israel and David was his most successful commander who was in charge of a thousand troops or soldiers (1 Samuel 18:13). Saul felt insecure by the success and fame of David, he tried to kill David but he escaped. What are the key lessons for our reflection?

First, sin corrupts and unrepentance corrupts absolutely. Saul had earlier in 1 Samuel 18 attempted to kill David but was unsuccessful because “In everything, David did he had great success because the LORD was with him. (1 Samuel 18:14). One would have thought that Saul will reflect on his actions and repent from his evil deeds but he was totally unrepentant even after He “…listened to Jonathan and took this oath: “As surely as the LORD lives, David will not be put to death.” (1 Samuel 19:6). Saul was unrepentantly envious of David and was deeply filled with bitterness against him hence his heart was absolutely corrupted. It was for this reason “an evil spirit from the LORD came on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand. While David was playing the lyre, Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him as Saul drove the spear into the wall. That night David made good his escape. (1 Samuel 19:9-10). In other words, Saul’s unrepentance and evil heart made an evil spirit seek permission from God to come upon him. It is important to note that an unrepentant heart is a welcoming abode for evil spirits while a repentant heart is a welcoming abode for the Holy Spirit. This is not the first time Satan had sort permission from God to torment a person, in Job 2:1-8, Satan was given permission by God to attack Job in order to test His faithfulness to God. However, in the case of Saul and Judas, their unrepentance caused them to be used by evil spirits towards their own destruction. Dear friend, sin corrupts and unrepentance corrupts absolutely. Let us allow the Spirit of the Lord to guard our hearts against enviness and bitterness which totally kills our conscience and leads us to unrepentance.

Second, no one can change what God has purposed in our lives. Saul tried his best to kill David thereby halting God’s purpose or will for his life. Saul made himself an enemy of progress to David but unknown to him, a person God has anointed and blessed cannot be touched unless God allows it Himself for his own purpose. Saul tried several times through his own individual initiative and through his soldiers to kill David but God made his effort futile by using His own children Jonathan and Michal, David’s wife to rescue David. Saul told his son Jonathan and all the attendants to kill David. But Jonathan had taken a great liking to David and warned him, “My father Saul is looking for a chance to kill you. Be on your guard tomorrow morning; go into hiding and stay there…Saul sent men to David’s house to watch it and to kill him in the morning. But Michal, David’s wife, warned him, “If you don’t run for your life tonight, tomorrow you’ll be killed.” So Michal let David down through a window, and he fled and escaped. (1 Samuel 19:1-2, 11-12). God used the same family that wanted to destroy David to save David, what an awesome God we serve, He has promised us in Isaiah 54:17 that “no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.

Third, there is no point retaliating or engaging in revenge when God has got you covered. Regardless of all the attempts made by Saul to kill David, David never retaliated but only escaped and continue to serve God and his nation faithfully. This should be the attitude of a man or woman of faith. We are not to hold a grudge against anyone including our enemies who hates us to the point of death. We must continue to trust God every step of the way because He is our protector and waymaker. He is our life insurance and has got us covered. When Saul sent the men to capture David, Michal said, “He is ill.” Then Saul sent the men back to see David and told them, “Bring him up to me in his bed so that I may kill him.” But when the men entered, there was the idol in the bed, and at the head was some goats’ hair. Saul said to Michal, “Why did you deceive me like this and send my enemy away so that he escaped?” (1 Samuel 19:14-17). David was under the protection of God therefore he did not waste his time and energy fighting a battle which is the Lord’s. Will you also trust God for your protection? Will you stop fighting back at your enemies and allow God to fight your battles for you? I am sure your answer will be yes, for if He has done it for David, He will surely do it for you because you are faithful to Him. Shalom.


Almighty God, we totally depend on You for our protection. Our lives are in your hands, our Rock and Redeemer. Amen.

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