Genesis 2:15-17,3:1-7 

Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11


Temptation means the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. In Christianity, temptation simply means the desire to disobey God.

We are very familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, today our focus will be on the temptation they went through and then we shall juxtapose that of Jesus’ own temptation and then finally look at Paul’s admonishment to believers in believing Jesus as the overcomer of Temptations and giver of salvation.

When we critically read both the first Scripture reading (Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7) and third Scripture reading (Matthew 4:1-11), it is important that believers reflect on the forms or manner in which temptation takes in our lives. We can generally group temptations under three major forms: They are

  1. Lust of the flesh

Genesis 3:6 say “So the woman saw the tree was good for food” similarly, in Mattew 4:3, the tempter knew Jesus was fasting yet he tempted him to think of food and to use the power he had to turn stones to bread. Adam, Eve and Jesus all had something in common, they all knew God’s commandments and they all had a choice to obey or disobey.  The fruits of the tree and the stones when turned to bread will nourish the flesh. The temptation was whether or not a child of God in such a situation will place his or her bodily pleasure above his or her relationship with God. Adam and Eve chose to please their body over their relationship with God but Jesus chose to please God over his bodily enjoyment or satisfaction.  He applied the scripture by saying “it is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”

Gratifying the flesh or lust of the flesh can be done through gluttony thus habitual greed or excesses in eating. One of the pivotal spiritual exercises of the Lent season is dealing with the lust of the flesh through fasting and prayer. This is the time to fast more and reduce cravings for food and drinks and wild parties. Many people of our day are suffering from diet or food-related diseases or maladies because of bad eating and drinking habits and other forms of food-related addiction. There are other forms of the lust of the flesh, and they are:

  1. fornication,
  2. adulatory,
  3. smoking,
  4. bleaching (Smearing all manner of skin lotion to alter our complexion)

5. Indecent exposure of our bodily parts in the name of fashion, exposing our cleavages, and wearing miniskirts entice the opposite sex to be attracted to your body which ends up in bodily pleasure

Lust of the Eye.

Genesis 3:6 tells us that “It was a delight to the eyes” in the same vain Jesus was asked by the tempter in Matthew 4:9 to “fall down and worship him” and he will give him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory but Jesus said to him, in Matthew 4:10 “Be gone, Satan! For it is written, “you shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve.” When we follow the lust of our eyes we become materialistic. Because you have seen, you want to possess. These have landed a lot of people including prominent people in precarious situations. Some believers are ready to do anything for everything. Lust of the eyes can turn you into a shopaholic. Lust of the eyes has led to the upsurge of corruption in our country. People want to become rich overnight without working and going through the right channel of business. Because of the lust of the eyes, people are under unnecessary pressure to own the latest car, the latest phone, television and the like.

  1. Some of our youth are putting their lives under spiritual bondage just to acquire the things of this world. This is one of the reasons why we still have human sacrifice in our time. In some parts of East Africa, albinos are killed and used for rituals with the belief that their blood opens doors to prosperity.
  2. Some have become homosexuals or have joined homosexual associations because of the financial consideration attached to it.
  3. Some have become puppets to sugar daddies and mummies because of money and accessories of life.
  4. Some are marrying men and women they are supposed to call grandpa or grandma just because of money and the attachments of this world.

Many people are worshippers of the kingdom of this world and its glory and have discarded their relationship with God.

The pride of life

 In Genesis 3:5 the serpant said to Eve, “you will be like God, knowing good and evil” Consequently, “Eve …desired the tree to make one wise” (Genesis 3:6) In Matthew 4:6 Jesus was asked by the tempter to display his power by jumping from the pinnacle of the temple for the father to command His angels to bear Him so that his foot will not strike a stone but Jesus answered him “Again it is written, you shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 4:7) 

Eve desired to be like God and obviously to possess wisdom equal to that of God, again the tempter wanted Jesus to display God’s power as an act of showmanship so that He will be seen by the world as the son of God at the wrong time. These are signs of pride. As believers we need to know our limits, let us not try to become gods’ to ourselves and do things to project ourselves against the will of God.  We must avoid self-projection in our conduct and speech.  Christ must increase that we may decrease.

Conclusively, Paul advises us in the second Scripture reading to believe in Jesus Christ because he overcame temptation and through him we have life. “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5:17-19) Let us have faith in Him, emulate Him, and obey His words and surely we shall overcome temptations in our lives. May the Holy Spirit strengthen us to overcome temptation even as we journey through the Lent Season and beyond. Amen.

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